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- Short: Fancy WorkBench Bootup Deamon with THX Sound
- Author: garpa@southwales.u-net.com (Carl Harrison)
- Uploader: garpa@southwales.u-net.com (Carl Harrison)
- Type: util/boot
- PowerTHX Daemon
- By
- Carl Harrison
- (c) 1997
- This program is FREEWARE. You may copy it, distribute it, burn it but yer
- can't change it. All program files, including document files and any
- libraries must *all* be distributed.
- What is PowerTHXDaemon (PTXD)? It is a fancy "Magic WorkBench" Thx
- Daemon replacement. It doesn't do anything to yer miggy. It does not
- poke any memory addresses, it does not speed yer computer up. It does not
- do anything other than show one of 4 pictures approx every 1 in 10 bootups.
- It plays a nice THX sample at a measly 20,000hz (AMOS is shite for samples :(
- The pictures are simple, yet effective - especially since they only show
- one in every 10 bootups (not exactly ten, a random number is picked out of
- ten numbers and if it is a particular number then the pic gets showed etc..)
- ------------
- ANY Amiga. OS2.0 and Above. No RAM restrictions.
- ------------
- Preferably the FIRST line in yer startup-sequence. It only uses ONE
- library (AMOS.LIBRARY included), and takes a second to boot and check to
- see if its time to display a piccy.
- Coming Soon......WorkBench Themes ! WIN95 Themes except BETTER and FREE !!!
- If you think the 1-in-ten bootups is too frequent, or not enough or you'd
- just rather set it yerself then E-mail any suggestions to me at
- garpa@southwales.u-net.com concerning this program, RASP or WB Themes
- or anything bloody else yer can think of.
- Cya M8s.
- The GaRpA...!
- Amiga A1200 030 50Mhz (50Mhz FPU) 18Meg Ram 1Gig 2speedCDROM
- ......
- ============================= Archive contents =============================
- Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
- -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
- 1352 713 47.2% 14-Aug-91 07:47:06 powerTHXdaemon.info
- 133236 128361 3.6% 14-Aug-91 09:51:52 +PowerTHX
- 315 173 45.0% 14-Aug-91 07:46:40 +File_ID.Diz
- 3842 578 84.9% 14-Aug-91 07:44:06 +File_ID.Diz.info
- 46948 28913 38.4% 27-Jul-97 15:21:50 +amos.library
- 1608 954 40.6% 14-Aug-91 08:04:06 +PowerTHXDaemon.Txt
- 3842 578 84.9% 14-Aug-91 07:35:04 +PowerTHXDaemon.Txt.info
- -------- ------- ----- --------- --------
- 191143 160270 16.1% 15-Aug-97 21:13:26 7 files